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Abstraction — 0
Access Modifier — 5
An access modifier is a piece of code used to specify the access permissions of a name.
Allocation — 13
Allocation means reserving memory space to hold some data.
Argument — 5
An argument is a value passed to a function.
Array — 23
An array is a numerically indexed collection of elements holding values.
Assignment — 16
To assign means to store a value in a variable.
Associativity — 3
Associativity determines how operators of the same precedence in expressions are grouped.
Boolean — 12
A Boolean value is a truth value and can be used as a condition.
Call — 52
A call is the invocation of a function or method.
Class — 28
A class is a blueprint for objects and defines a type with fields and methods.
Composition — 2
To compose two functions means to call one on the result of the other.
Conditional — 23
In a conditional statement or expression the value of a condition determines which alternative pieces of code to execute.
Constructor — 18
A constructor is a function that initializes a newly allocated object.
Control Flow — 34
The control flow is the path of execution through a program.
Coupling — 0
Equality — 12
Equality determines whether two expressions have equivalent values.
Evaluation — 9
To evaluate means to compute the value of an expression.
Exception — 9
The representation of an unexpected situation that affects control flow.
Expression — 51
An expression is a piece of source code that produces a value at runtime.
Field — 21
A field is a variable that is a member of a class and may be part of an object.
Function — 15
A function produces a return value from a list of argument values.
Garbage Collection — 0
Garbage collection is the automatic deallocation of unreachable heap objects.
Implementation — 1
Inheritance — 16
Inheritance is a way to define a class by reusing the definition of another class.
Input — 0
The input of a program is information it reads from its environment.
Lifetime — 3
The lifetime of a variable, array, or object is the duration from its allocation to its deallocation.
Literal — 18
A value that is written itself in the source code.
Loop — 12
A loop is a compound statement that repeats the statements in its body zero or more times.
Member — 8
A member of a class can be a method or a field.
Method — 49
A method is a function that is a member of a class and may operate on an object.
Mutability — 7
Mutable means that a memory location can be reassigned new values.
Name — 8
Names are used to denote constructs such as variables, classes, types, and members.
Null — 7
The value null is a reference that does not refer to anything.
Number — 15
A number is a value of a numerical type.
Object — 35
An object is an instance of a class stored in a set of memory locations.
Operator — 28
An operator is a symbol or keyword in source code that represents a built-in function.
Output — 3
The output of a program is information it writes to its environment.
Parameter — 11
A variable holding an argument received by a function.
Polymorphism — 1
Polymorphism means that an expression can produce values of more than one type.
Precedence — 2
Precedence determines how operators in expressions are grouped.
Primitive — 3
A primitive value is of a scalar or built-in type and may completely fit into a single memory location.
Prototype — 1
A prototype is an object that serves as an exemplar for new objects.
Recursion — 14
A self-referential data structure or computation.
Reference — 29
A reference value points to a sequence of memory locations that may contain an object or array.
Repetition — 3
Repetition means multiple occurrences of the same data or multiple executions of the same statements.
Return — 15
A return statement returns control from a function or method back to its caller.
Scope — 8
The scope of a name is the region of source code in which the name can be used.
Self — 9
Self is a reference to the object on which the current method operates.
Sequence — 2
A sequence is an ordered collection of data or instructions.
Stack — 11
A memory region containing the local variables and parameters of currently executing functions.
Statement — 4
A command or instruction to be executed in an imperative program.
Static — 2
A static aspect of a program does not depend on program execution.
String — 17
A string is a sequence of characters.
Subtyping — 11
A value of a subtype can be substituted for a value of a supertype.
Term — 0
Type — 38
A type is a set of values supporting a certain set of operations.
Undefined — 3
An undefined value represents the absence of a value.
Value — 26
A value is data and may be the result of evaluating an expression or the contents of a variable.
Variable — 37
A variable is a named location that holds a value.

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