

Using a ++ pre-increment operator in a for loop’s update part, e.g., for (...; ...; ++i) ..., means that the increment happens before the loop body executes, while using a ++ post-increment means that the increment happens after the loop body executes.


Pre-increment in update part of for loop means increment before loop body


Pre-increment in update part of for loop means same as pre-increment anywhere else

Here is what's right.

Students incorrectly believe that:

for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {

is equivalent to:

int i=0;
while (i<2) {
  ++i; // incorrect!

This is wrong!

The correct meaning of the above for loop is:

int i=0;
while (i<2) {

The ++i still happens after the end of the loop body. This code will print 0 and 1. It is no different from this:

for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {

The ++ happens before or after the value of i is read. In both cases above, the value of i is read, but is thrown away (i.e., it is not assigned to anything, like with a=i++, and it is not passed to anything, like with m(i++)).

In this misconception, students essentially extend the meaning of “pre” beyond the expression and to the scope of the entire loop.

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