

A function defines a strict number of parameters, and if it is called with a different number of arguments it will throw an error.


Functions must be called with the same number of arguments as defined in their signature


Functions can be called with a different number of arguments as defined in their signature

Here is what's right.

In JavaScript it is possible to call functions with any number of arguments, even if the number of arguments is different from the number of parameters accepted by the definitions of the function.

function foo(a,b) {
  console.log(a + " " + b)

foo()        // undefined undefined
foo(1)       // 1 undefined
foo(1,2)     // 1 2
foo(1,2,3)   // 1 2
foo(1,2,3,4) // 1 2

Rest parameter syntax [starting from ECMAScript 9]

Starting from ECMAScript 9, the rest parameter syntax allows to represent an indefinite number of arguments as an array:

function foo(a, b, ...myArgs) {
  console.log(`a:${a}   b:${b}   myArgs:[${myArgs}]`)

foo()        // a:undefined   b:undefined   myArgs:[]
foo(1)       // a:1   b:undefined   myArgs:[]
foo(1,2)     // a:1   b:2   myArgs:[]
foo(1,2,3)   // a:1   b:2   myArgs:[3]
foo(1,2,3,4) // a:1   b:2   myArgs:[3,4]

The arguments object

Before the rest parameter syntax, the aeguments object could be used to access the anonymous arguments passed in the invocation of a function:

function foo() {
	console.log(arguments[0] + " " + arguments[1])

foo("Hello")          // Hello undefined
foo("Hello", "World") // Hello World

Starting from ECMAScript 9, it is advised to use the rest parameter syntax instead of the arguments object.

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