Scratch Documentation
Scratch combines a block-based programming language, a library of blocks, and a web-based IDE. The language is not comprehensively specified. The documentation comes in the form of a Wiki and focuses mostly on the IDE and the library of blocks.
Scratch 3 was released in January 2019.
Our Scratch misconceptions relate to the following sections of that specification:
Variables Blocks
Variables Blocks (subcategory)
() (Variables block)
Set () to () (block)
Operators Blocks
Reporter Block
Add () to () (block)
Length of () (List_block)
Delete All of () (block)
Delete () of () (block)
My Blocks
() = () (block)
Boolean Block
If () Then (block)
If () Then, Else (block)
Repeat () (block)
Repeat Until () (block)
Not () (block)
Stack Block
List Blocks
When Green Flag Clicked Block