Sprechen Sie Java: Eine Einführung in das systematische Programmieren, 4. Auflage
2. Einfache Programme21 Documented Misconceptions
Check YourselfAssignCompares
= compares two valuesAssignmentNotExpression
An assignment a=b is not an expressionCharNotNumeric
Char is not a numeric typeCompositeExpressionsUntyped
Expressions that consist of multiple parts have no typeEvaluationResultsArePrinted
Evaluating an expression means outputting its resultExpressionsDynamicallyTyped
One has to evaluate an expression to determine its typeLargeIntegerLong
Large integer numbers have type longLiteralNoExpression
A literal is not an expressionLiteralString
When passing a literal string as argument to a method, no quotes are neededLocalVariablesAutoInitialized
Local variables are automatically initializedNoAtomicExpression
Expressions must consist of more than one pieceNoCharEscape
\ is a normal character in char and String literalsNoLongLiterals
There are no long literalsNoReservedWords
Every sequence of letters and digits starting with a letter can be used as an identifierSingleQuoteString
String literals can be in single quotesStringLiteralNoObject
One needs to call the String constructor to get a String object from a literalTargetTyping
The type of a numerical expression depends on the type expected by the surrounding contextUndeclaredVariables
Variables don't need to be declaredUntypedVariables
Variable declarations don't need a typeVariablesHoldExpressions
= stores an expression in a variableZeroDigitsCompress
In integer numbers, decimal digits with value `0` take less storage than decimal digits with other values